Welcome to World of Warcfraft Ultimate WOW Gold Guides

Have you ever wondered how World of Warcraft players get so much gold and how they be able to increase their in-game wealth. In here we present the most ultimate guide for World Of Warcraft gamers to make more money by using cheat and unexpected ways that logically WOW gamers didn't thinks. I will add some news or any guides that related to World of Warcraft. For now I present the most UNTHINKABLE way that everyone want to know how to increase wealth in World of Warcraft by using this guide named WOW Gold Guides. Please enjoy read my guides.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

WOW Gold Guides LV 1- LV 60

Have you ever wondered how other World of Warcraft players get so much gold? How are the most experienced players able to increase their in-game wealth.

In this guide I will be telling you about how to make real money from 1-60. I have 3 epic mounts and around 2000 extra gold to spend. This is not a ' farm SM as stealth rogue + disenchant = ez gold' This is how you really make money. And the best part is, you can start while leveling.
The first thing you should do is get 2 gathering professions. Getting mining and skinning will help out A LOT at early levels, at 40 you’ll need your mount and your level 180/225 enchanting skill won’t look that great. So first tip of this guide is 2 gathering professions (skinning being one of them). At 40 cancel one of them and pick up a “making” profession.
Also, if you are following this from alliance get to the human zone after completing a bit of your starting quests. (10-12 )
Alliance: In Westfall there are birds called “Fleshrippers” They can be greater or young, the only difference is their level. These birds drop something of great interest to 60 priests and mages. The item is called Light Feathers which drop 30% from Fleshrippers. These are worth 20-40 silver and are sold pretty fast in general. Priests and Mages that are 60 don’t want to go to Westfall so they’ll buy it from you. Owls are found in Teldrassil that also drop light feathers fairly often.
I highly advise being a miner at least till 40 mainly because of this cash cow I discovered one day. In Durotar there is tons, I mean TONS of copper veins that are ready to be picked. They also respawn at a decent pace. I would say you could get your mining up to 70 at least and make 2-3 gold in 30 minutes. So this is very useful. If you’re a tauren you can use the alliance method by farming the birds in Mulgore.
In the barrens the major asset is the humanoids, you can get linen off the ones in the north and copper coins which is decent ( 12-14 ) but later on it becomes more beneficial to kill them in the south ( wool cloth 1 g a stack, level 16 ). The real way to get decent money at 12ish is too go around skinning plainstriders. They are always dead pretty much (almost everyone does this quest and the npcs are within 30 feet of cross roads (the main town ). You can kill them if they pop up for a chance at light feathers ( 33% drop rate ) but they also drop light leather fairly often and I easily racked up 200 quite quickly.
Alliance: Grinding at the skeletons and undead at the GY to the southeast of darkshire, gives very good exp an hour and also gets you some good silver and cloth. ( very nice if you’re playing a pally ) at around 24, you can head over to worgen farmstead and kill the worgens there. They drop 2 s or so and skin for medium leather and sometimes heavy I believe. To the west of the town is higher level ones for when your 28.
Horde: In the southern barrens grind on the quillboars, they drop wool cloth 2-3 silver or so and sometimes a rare. At 28 go to thousand needles and mine iron veins, sometimes you’ll find a gold one too.
Alliance: Alliance have to go to STV, the tigers drop whiskers that can drop for 7s and you can skin them for heavy leather. Once 34 grind the trolls for silk ( 45 silver a stack or more ) and loot all greys ( 20-30 silver ). At around level 36 go to desolace and do some of the quests there. Killing the mobs there for loot and skinning etc. at 40 Head to BB and kill pirates for mageweave and other misc drops.etc. ( 1-2 gold a stack, helps BB rep and used in several quests.)
Horde: Grind the Turtles basilisks etc. to 34. Then head to Stranglethorn Vale and grind the raptors till 36 ( lots of vendor stuff heavy leather etc. ) grind the murlocs or trolls in the area to level 40 and then head to BB to grind the pirates for BB rep and mageweave. At this point you should have enough gold for your mount, if not ask for some money from a guildy and you’ll be able to pay him back after this next part.
Alliance: Either Head to tanaris and grind some of the pirates there ( level 40-42s used for some quests ) till 43 or go kill coyotes ( lots of thick leather ) in the badlands till 42-43. Head to Feralas after that and grind on ogres or yetis and when needed go back to town to sell the loot you get. At around 44 or 45 go to feathermoon stronghold and head south to the naga. Skip the ones on the same island as feathermoon and swim to the other island further south. There you’ll find a massive amount of Naga which drop clams that can have golden pearls in them ( 10-20 gold quite rare .) Also great for hunters because they can get the meat cooked and feed it to most pets. Another option is heading to azshara and killing the undead which are level 46 and drop mageweave and silver often.
Horde: There isn’t much gold to make here really, just grind the pirates to the east of gadgetzan and then when high enough kill the Dunemaul ogres in the south until 50. Another option is to Grind on nethargarde miners, they’re level 46 and there’s almost never an alliance in sight. The reason? They are alliance mobs, they still drop loot and give exp and don’t give DKs, but they are unable to be attacked by alliance. There’s tons of them and they drop lots of mageweave.
Alliance & Horde: 50-60 Choices, choices, choices. The best one for gold I think would be azshara, grind on the nagas till 52. Then travel north and grind on the satyr’s or the blood elves. There are 3 main Satyr camps. Another option is to go to felwood at 55ish and kill the mobs there at jaedenar or kill the elementals in the north for the chance of essence of water or essence of fire. You can also do BGs to level for fun ( 3.3k exp per winning game adds up. ) I made them both combined since everything is pretty much the same. !!

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