Alliance Grinding Spots:
Level 1-12:
- Newbie Zone :: You may have to leave at level 11.
Level 12-20:
- Westfall [Sentinel Hill, Westfall Lighthouse]
- Loch Modan [Thelsamar, Farstrider's Lodge, Stonewrought Dam]
- Darkshore [Auberdine]
- Elite Area: Mo'grosh mound (Loch Modan)
- Instance: Deadmines
Level 20-22:
- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]
Level 22-30:
- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]
- Duskwood [Darkshire, Sven's Camp, Abercrombie]
- Wetlands [Menethil Harbor, Greenwarden, N. Loch Modan (The Algaz Gauntlet)]
- Ashenvale [Astranaar ?]
- Stonetalon Mountains [?]
- Elite Area: Dun Modr (Wetlands)
- Instance: The Stockades
- Instance: Shadowfang Keep
- Instance: Blackfathom Deeps
- Happy Loot: Naraxis' Fang (Duskwood)
- Happy Loot: Tiny Crimson Whelpling (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [26]: Dragonmaw Encampment (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [26]: Whelgar's Excavation Site (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [28]: Rotting Orchard (Duskwood)
- Grind Area [28]: Raven Hill Cemetary (Duskwood)
- Grind Area [29]: Vul'Gol Ogre Mound (Duskwood)
Level 31-37:
- Stranglethorn Vale [Rebel Camp, Nesingwary's Expedition, Booty Bay]
- Hillsbrad Foothills [Southshore]
- Arathi Highlands [Refuge Pointe]
- Desolace [32]
- Thousand Needles [31]
- Instance: Gnomeregan
- Happy Loot: Howling Blade (Skhowl, Alterac Mountains)
- Happy Loot: Toxic Revenger (Gnomeregan)
- Happy Loot: Tiny Emerald Whelpling (Swamp of Sorrows)
- Grind Area [31]: Kurzen Encampment (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [33]: Stranglethorn Raptors (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [33]: Growless Cave (Alterac Mountains)
- Grind Area [34]: Gallow's Corner (Crushridge Ogres
- Altarac Mountains)
- Grind Area [36]: Venture Co. Base Camp (Lake Nazferiti
- Stranglethorn Vale)
Level 37-43:
- Stranglethorn Vale
- Arathi Mountains [Refuge Pointe, Faldir's Cove]
- Badlands [Various camps around the zone]
- Desolace [37]
- Elite Area: Stromgarde
- Elite Area: Mosh'ogg Mound
- Instance: Scarlet Monastery
- Instance: Uldaman
- Instance: Razorfen Downs
- Happy Loot: Tiny Black Whelpling (Badlands)
- Grind Area [37]: Lashtail Raptors (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [37]: Water Elementals (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [39]: The spider cave north of Brackenwall (Swamp of Sorrows)
- Grind Area [39]: Rock Elementals (Badlands)
- Grind Area [39]: Elder Crag Coyotes (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Scalding Whelps (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Agmond's End (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Ziata'jai Ruins (Venture Co. Stuff, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [43]: Naga Explorers (Stranglethorn Vale)
Level 43-46:
- Feralas [Feathermoon Stronghold]
- Tanaris [Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port]
- Instance: Zul'Farrak
- Grind Area [43]: Wastewander Bandits (Tanaris)
- Grind Area [44]: Isle of Dread (Feralas
- Inside Cave; South of Feathermoon Stronghold)
- Grind Area [45]: Feral Scar Vale (Feralas)
- Happy Loot: 14slot bag! Cortello's Riddle quest, starts in one of the ships in Stranglethorn Vale for the end of the Bloodsail Buccaneers line of quests.
Level 46-50:
- Tanaris [Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port]
- The Hinterlands [Aerie Peak]
- Instance: Zul'Farrak
- Instance: Maraudon [49]
- Instance: Temple of Atal'Hakkar [50]
- Grind Area [47]: Undead in Western Ashzara (Azshara)
- Grind Area [47]: Dunemaul Compound (Tanaris)
- Grind Area [47]: Elementals/Golems around The Cauldron + N of it (Searing Gorge)
- Elemental Leatherworking Supplies
Level 50-55:
- Searing Gorge [Kalaran Windblade]
- Blasted Lands
- Un'Goro Crater [Marshal's Refuge]
- Felwood [Emerald Sanctuary]
- Burning Steppes [Morgan's Vigil]
- Instance: Temple of Atal'Hakkar
- Grind Area [50]: Deadwood Village (Felwood)
- Grind Area [51]: Ruins of Eldarath (Azshara)
- Grind Area [52]: Dreadmaul Rock (Firegut Ogres - Burning Steppes)
- Grind Area [52]: Legash Encampment, Thalassian Base Camp, Ursolan (Azshara)
- Grind Area [52]: Jaedenar (Felwood)
- Grind Area [52]: Sorrow Hill (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [53]: Ironwood Trees in northern Felwood
- Grind Area [54]: Temple of Arkkoran (Azshara)
- Grind Area [55]: Jadefire Run, Felpaw Village (Felwood)
Level 55-60:
- Winterspring [Everlook, Starfall Village]
- Western Plaguelands [Chillwind Point]
- Eastern Plaguelands
- Instance: Blackrock Depths
- Instance: Blackrock Spire [60]
- Instance: Stratholme [60]
- Instance: Scholomance [60]
- Grind Area [55]: Felstone Field, Dalson's Tears, The Writhing Haunt, Gahrron's Withering (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: Northridge Lumber Camp (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: Corin's Crossing (Eastern Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: The Pillar of Ash (Burning Steppes)
- Grind Area [56]: Winterfall Village (Winterspring)
- Grind Area [57]: Blackrock Stronghold (Burning Steppes)
- Grind Area [57]: Ice Thistle Hills (Wintespring) - Rugged Leathers
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